- Paribrita items are shipped from Kolkata, India, and thus may have a much lengthier shipping period depending on the destination.
- Delivery charges can differ as per the destination and quantity of products.
- Item will be dispatched from our warehouse within 2 working days from the day of order.
- Within India, customers can expect the package at the doorstep from 7-10 days of distach.
- For international delivery, it may take 14-20 working days from the day of dispatch.
- Shipping time may vary as per circumstances.
- For any inquiry, please feel free to contact us.
For any quiry contact: contact.paribrita@gmail.com
Customs Fee:
Global clients must pay taxes on products, and products may be held until they do so. Paribrita tries to keep rates low for international customers, but some countries will need customs fees to be paid.
Return Policy:
- If you notice unsealed packages, please do not receive the shipment and return it from the doorstep. Once it’s accepted, Paribrita will not be responsible for further issues.
- If you notice any damaged product after unfolding the Saree, take the photo of the item and bill, forward us within 24 Hours of delivery. Paribrita will consider and evaluate the issue before reimbursing the payment.
- If you find any dissimilarity with the displayed image on the website with actual product received, then you can ask for an exchange get the product you ordered. Paribrita will be liable to change the item if you find any dissimilarity with the displayed image on the website, but payment will not be reimbursed.
- In case of Ready-made Garments Please Make your purchase after having a detailed look at size guide. If you still feel that it not fits you then please let us know within 2 working days. We can replace it with your size with the same design garment or you can take same value product in
- Please note that return and refund is not valid for product purchased with discount if it dont have any manufacturing defect.
Address Problems:
This may sound startling, but sometimes customers put the wrong address at the time of placing orders. In these situations, the product may come back or can be delivered somewhere else. Paribrita is not able to control such kind of situation.
Contact Number Problem:
Please make sure you are available on the number you have provided. If you miss several calls and product returns to us. We are not liable for this inconvenience. We can send it again after adding extra shipping cost